City of Clare

Clerk & Elections

The City Clerk provides clerical services to the Clare City Commission by attending and recording the official minutes of that body. Other services of this department are listed below:

Customer Service

The Clerk’s Office is the first point of contact for City residents and visitors. The friendly staff accepts all payments for City fees and services, issues forms and permits, accepts park reservations, and offers information.

Freedom of Information

Requests for public documents may be subject to the Freedom of Information Act of which the Clerk is the City’s Coordinator. The Clerk’s Office also publishes pertinent public notices in local papers, on this Web site, City Hall bulletin boards, and Government Access Channel 189 on Charter Cable.

Election Administration

The City Clerk acts as the Administrator for all Clare City and Clare Public School District elections. Individuals are eligible to register to vote if they meet the following qualifications:

  1. A United States citizen
  2. A resident of the State of Michigan and a 30-day resident of the City of Clare
  3. At least 18 years of age by Election Day.

Click here to visit the Secretary of State’s Publius Voter Information Center to register to vote, check your registration status, see upcoming election ballots, and apply to work at the polls

Individuals may also register to vote at the Secretary of State’s Office, County Clerk’s Office, any Armed Forces recruitment office, and social service agencies.

Click here for Voter FAQ’s

Click here for Early Voting Information

Click this link for more information on the Election Grants Notice