To view additional information on any of the boards, committees, and commissions of the City of Clare, Please select one using the menu to the left.
Citizen participation in local government planning and policy decisions is encouraged. All citizens are invited to apply for appointment to City boards and commissions.
Applications may be submitted online to or you may drop off an application to the City Clerk. The Clerk will keep your application on file and submit it to Mayor/City Council for their consideration when a position becomes available. Open positions will be posted on the City’s website and on the City Hall bulletin board. If you have questions, please contact the City Manager,, or City Clerk,, or call 989-386-7541
How can I serve on a City Board
City of Clare Boards, Committees, and Commissions Overview 2023
The Clare City Commission meets the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the City Commission Chambers of Clare City Hall, 202 West Fifth Street. Click here to view the 2025 Meeting Dates.
Clare City Commissioners serve four-year terms. Each November, the Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tem are selected by their fellow commissioners to serve one-year terms.
The Clare City Commissioners are:
Mayor Patrick Humphrey
Bob Bonham
Maegan Jenkins
Gus Murphy
Kim Horwood-Bussell
City Commission Elections
City Commission elections occur in even years. The next election for positions on the Clare City Commission will be held in November of 2024. Contact the City Clerk if you are interested in running for the City Commission.
Prior to each City Commission Meeting, an agenda packet is created with full information regarding each agenda item to be discussed at the meeting. These packets will be made available for download prior to each meeting on this site.
Additionally, after each meeting, minutes are drafted to be approved at the next meeting. Once the minutes are approved by the City Commission, they will be posted to this site for download. These documents may be located on the right side of this page.
The City of Clare’s Airport Advisory Board is comprised of an eight-member board that advises the City Commission on matters related to the operations and management of the Clare Municipal Airport. The Board annually develops the five-year improvement plan for the airport. Three members of the board are City residents, one of whom must be a pilot with the remaining members not being required to be residents of the City of Clare. The Board meets monthly. Click here to view 2025 Meeting Dates.
The Board of Review is a three-member board of City taxpayers appointed annually by the Clare City Commission. The Board of Review meets each March to receive petitions from property owners requesting valuation adjustments to their property and each July and December to consider administrative corrections to the tax roll.
The Clare Brownfield Redevelopment Authority has a nine-member board that is empowered to establish a redevelopment district within the City of Clare where environmentally blighted properties are located and to capture property taxes within that district for the purpose of environmental cleanup and improvements to a specific location or for the purpose of redevelopment projects within the City. The board meets as needed.
The Cherry Grove Cemetery Advisory Board is comprised of a five-member board that advises the City Commission on matters related to the operations and management of the Cherry Grove Cemetery. City residency is not required. The board meets bi-yearly. Click here to view 2025 Meeting Dates.
Contact Information
Phone: (989) 424-4071
DEPOT GOVERNING BOARD: Members are appointed by position per the adoption of Resolution 2018-031 on April 2, 2018. Members seated are the City Manager, City Treasurer, City Clerk, Parks & Rec Director, Chamber President, Arts Council President, and a member of the Historic Railroad group. *Ad-Hoc members may be appointed by the Chair and are non-voting members. Click here to view the 2025 Meeting Dates.
Jeremy Howard, City Manager
Vicki Corlew, City Treasurer
Diane Lyon, City Clerk
Joy Simmer, Parks & Recreation Director
Shari Buccilli, Chamber President
Carol Santini, Clare County Arts Council President
Dennis Guerriero, RR Historian
Ad Hoc Members
*Luke Potter, DPW Director
*Dave Coker, Chamber Director
The Clare Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is comprised of a nine-member board that is empowered to capture tax revenues within a specifically designated and approved tax increment financing commercial district. The purpose of these captured funds is to provide the necessary funding to make improvements within the established district. The board meets monthly.
Click here to view the 2025 Meeting Dates.
DDA Important Documents
Major DDA Accomplishments and Highlights
The Clare DDA continued its three-decade history of supporting economic development and growth to Clare’s historic downtown district in 2018, 2019, and 2020, thereby enabling downtown businesses to grow and attain success.
DDA highlights in 2020 included:
In 2020 the Clare DDA completed a one-block expansion of the streetscape along West Fifth Street. This expansion included the installation of new sidewalks, brick pavers, decorative street/sidewalk lighting, benches and waste cans. In addition to the expansion the DDA also undertook a refreshing of the entirety of the streetscape replacing a significant amount of the brick pavers, some lighting and several electrical outlets.
DDA highlights in 2019 included:
DDA highlights in 2018 included:
The Economic Development Corporation is comprised of a nine-member board that oversees economic development for the City of Clare and has the authority to adopt resolutions pertaining to economic development. The board meets as needed.
Michigan Economic Development Corporation Information
Middle Michigan Development Corporation
EDC Bylaws
The City’s Election Commission, consisting of the City Clerk, the Mayor, and the City Attorney, is governed by city Charter Section 4.10 and state statute MCL 168.25. The Clerk serves as chairman of the commission. The commission is in charge of all activities and duties required of it by state law and the city charter relating to the conduct of elections in the city. In any case, where the election procedure is in doubt, the election commission is charged with prescribing the procedure to be followed.
Meetings: Meeting dates are held within the parameters as prescribed by state law. Meetings are held at Clare City Hall, 202 West Fifth Street, Clare, MI 48617. The City’s polling location is on the lower level of the Pere Marquette District Library, 185 East Fourth Street, Clare, MI 48617. Staff liaison: City Clerk, 989-424-4068.
Click here to visit the Secretary of State’s Publius Voter Information Center to register to vote, check your registration status, see upcoming election ballots, and apply to work at the polls
Individuals may also register to vote at the Secretary of State’s Office, County Clerk’s Office, any Armed Forces recruitment office, and social service agencies.
The Clare Area Fire Council is comprised of City representatives consisting of the Mayor, the Fire Chief, a firefighter and the City Manager along with representatives from all of the local governmental entities that receive fire services from the Clare Fire Department.
The primary function of the Council is to formulate and make recommendations relating to fiscal expenditures of the Clare Fire Department, to include firefighter wages and capital improvements. The Council’s recommendations pertaining to the Clare Fire Department’s annual operating budget are incorporated into the City of Clare’s annual budget appropriation which is approved by the Clare City Commission.
The Clare Industrial Development Corporation Board is an autonomous governing entity composed of twelve members and is responsible for overseeing the operations, development and management of the Clare Industrial Park. The board meets as needed.
The City of Clare has land available for immediate sale through the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC). The IDC is the marketing arm of the City for industrial land, as well as a body whose purpose is to facilitate the purchase of land or to assist with build to suit plans for any industrial application. The IDC is comprised of local businessmen and businesswomen, along with various economic development and City leaders committed to furthering industrial growth in the Clare area. Please contact Steve Stark at or 989-386-4663 anytime. City manager Jeremy Howard is also available for assistance at
The City of Clare formed a Local Development Finance Authority (LDFA) in 2014 the purpose of which is to provide for the acquisition, construction, installation and financing of certain public facilities as allowed within the LDFA Act necessary for the development of the LDFA District. An LDFA is a tax increment financing authority authorized under Public Act 281 of 1986 for the economic development or redevelopment of a specifically defined geographic area. Property taxes which are captured by the LDFA are only on the increased value of the developed and improved industrial property and they can only be used for the purpose of paying for the public facility improvements necessary for the development of the industrial park as defined within the LDFA Plan.
The Board of Directors of the City’s LDFA is comprised of eleven members, seven appointed by the Mayor, one from the Clare County Board of Commissioners, two from Clare Public Schools and one from Mid Michigan Community College. The geographic District of the City of Clare’s Local Development Finance Authority consists of the entire sixty (60) acre North Industrial Park located on Colonville Road. The LDFA Board of Directors meets on at least an annual basis.
LDFA highlights in 2020 included:
Within 2020 another business (County Wide Septic) purchased property and constructed a new 15,000 square foot building within the City of Clare’s North Industrial Park. With this addition the North Industrial Park only has approximately four acres of buildable land within the entire 60 acre industrial park. The adjoining 140 property that is zoned for commercial development also completed a major $2,000,000 infrastructure investment of roads, water, sewer and stormwater mains. The new roads connect to the main roadway within the North Industrial Park providing another entrance and exit point to the park.
LDFA Activities and Highlights – 2018 and 2019
The Clare Local Development Finance Authority (LDFA) was established to support economic development, facilitate growth, nurture existing and new industrial businesses, and finance needed development projects within Clare’s North Industrial Park.
Due to extremely limited, eligible tax increment capture precluded the LDFA from making any notable contributions to those goals during the past two-year period. However, the LDFA Board met once in 2018 in accordance with its established by-laws to elect officers and review its approved development plan.
The LDFA met twice in 2019 to ensure compliance with the newly established Public Act 57 requirements mandating that all tax increment finance authorities conduct two annual public meetings and notify all affected taxing jurisdictions of the meetings. During these meetings representatives of two of the taxing authorities were present and offered their continued support of the LDFA. Though available funds are limited the LDFA remains committed and ready to fulfill the primary tenets of its approved development plan.
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is responsible for developing the City of Clare’s Recreation Master Plan, which is five-year recreation development plan that is a component of the City’s Comprehensive Master Plan. In concert with the City’s Recreation Director, the Board formulates and makes recommendations to the City Commission regarding the City’s various park facilities and recreation programs. The Parks and Recreation Board also annually updates a prioritized list of recommended parks and recreation capital improvements for the City’s parks system which is then incorporated in the City’s annual budget appropriations which is approved by the City Commission. The Board meets quarterly. Click here to view the 2025 Meeting Dates.
The 2022-2026 Parks and Recreation Master plan is available for PDF download via the link below:
The Planning Commission is comprised of a nine-member governing body that is appointed by the City’s Mayor, subject to the approval of the Clare City Commission. The Planning Commission is responsible for developing the City’s Comprehensive Master Plan and the Future Land Use Map. The Planning Commission is also the approval authority for all site plans related to commercial, industrial and multi-family residential development within the City of Clare. The Planning Commission is the approval authority of special use permits and is responsible for reviewing and providing recommendations to the City Commission related to zoning matters of the City. The Board meets monthly. Click here to view 2025 Meeting Dates.
Planning Commission By-Laws & Rules of Procedure
The Clare Tree Advocacy Tree Group was established on February 8, 2008, by adoption of Ordinance 2008-001 to assist the director of public works in the development of a comprehensive plan for the City of Clare, including but not limited to planning, tree planting, and maintenance programs for all public trees; promote the goals of the municipal tree program; participate in and/or coordinate annual Arbor Day celebrations; coordinate with citizens groups—Tree plantings, volunteer efforts to install or maintain plantings or other beautification projects on public land; provide a means to involve the public in a community forestry management plan; and to promote new and existing tree programs by motivating both local government and the public to support community forestry management. The
The Tree Advocacy Group meets quarterly or on an as needed basis at Clare City Hall, 202 West Fifth Street, Clare, MI 48617. Staff liaisons: Mary Warner, Board Secretary, 989-424-4071, & Luke Potter, Director of Public Works, 989-424-4089, Click here to view the 2024 Meeting Schedule.
Tree Advocacy Group consists of five members who are citizens, and residents of Clare. Group members are appointed by the mayor with the approval of the city commission. Members serve a three year term. The Director of Public Works serves as an ex-officio, nonvoting, member. Members come from different interest groups including homeowners, tree professionals, street department, and municipal government.
The Zoning Board of Appeals is comprised of a five-member board responsible for the zoning appeals for the City of Clare. The Board has the power to conduct administrative review of zoning matters, provide interpretation of the City’s zoning laws, may grant exceptions (variances) to the City’s zoning ordinance codes and may reverse, affirm or modify any zoning decision of any zoning official or body (appointed or elected) of the City of Clare except that it may not change or alter any zoning or property classification or zoning law. The board meets as needed.